Sunday, May 15, 2016

Final day - in a hurry but I have to show you our 60s apartment!

Flowers from the market 2 euros. And they last~ 

Bedside  table with the FM dials. This is a leatherette padded table with drawer. No Bible, unlike Canadian hotel rooms.

Dressing table and stool. Larry's computer is on top, again padded drawer

Wonderful veranda on apartment's two sides. Marble floor. 

Good for posture and they look lovely. The apartment has two of these chairs.

My favourite: sea blue (a bit faded) two seater couch in living room. Note bolster.

Bedroom, the veranda runs both sides of the room. Great light, semi shag rug!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Around Greece in the last few days...

Sign on a wall in Thessaloniki

My new sweatshirt -- freezing at night in Crete

I love this clay bull jumper from the Minoan times about 1400 BC, at the Archaelogical museum in Crete.

In the park with a new friend, at Heraklion Crete

Orange trees line many streets in Athens. I tried one -- very bitter clearly ornamental only.! 

Notice of the meeting with Larry and I on Cooperatives.  Somehow I didn't make it on the poster. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.

Late night drinks with new friends in the left politico bar in Heraklion, Crete

With a new activist friend, at the public gardens in Heraklion, Crete.

Dinner with John, a Canadian who does various civil society projects throughout Europe. The dog's a stray. Athens! 

 This top one in white clay is a reproduction of what was found in the Parthenon. Look at the gods, all lined up.  Below is an original stone which lined the upper walls of the Parthenon in Athens.

Turtles (and a pigeon on the left) in a pool in the national gardens, Athens.
Larry in front of a house in the hills, the village of Kritsa, east of Heraklion, Crete.

Me, then Larry pose in Matlan -- on the south coast of Crete. Made famous by the holes in the mountains as you see. At one time they were burial grounds. In the '60s and '70s hippies slept in them, as this is a rollicking beach town.

Larry Always wanted a FIAT car - here he is with the "Panda" we rented to drive around Crete.

Relief of dolphins -- from the Archaelogical Museum in Crete.
From the Acropolis Museum, brand new museum, at the base of the Acropolis in Athens.
A scramble of my photos around the country...

At the Frissiras Museum, in Athens

A bit of art, why not? We saw a new exhibition "Elle" that pays tribute to the European women painters-- from 1950 on... this was spectacular.  I read in the notes for the show by 67 artists ... did you know that the first comprehensive exhibit (from 1550 to 1950)  of women artists first took place only in 1977, in Brooklyn USA. Have a look:
Homeless, by Kalli Kastori

It is reminiscent of Andy Warhol, but it is called I am losing my senses by Eleni Michailou

Adorable. Larry and I in front of a great painting, Naturlich II (in English: naturally) by Aspasia Krystalia. 

This bit of horror reminds me of the Ghomeshi case-- by Lambrini Boviatsou. Titled:  Anazitisis

This seated woman is by Eleni Moraiti

Larry's favourite: Swimmers by Maria Filopoulous

Not sure: this could be my favourite. A triptych by Paula Rego from Portugal. It's called Jane Eyre getting ready for the ball.

The gallery is in a couple of wonderful old renovated homes, downtown in Athens.  The stairways are lovely.

This and that...around Athens

Street scene, at a market stall in Thissio area of town.  Graffiti is everywhere. 

By day, the view of the Acropolis, from a bus in Monastiraki 
Same view, by night of the Acropolis. I was on foot when I took this. Amazing eh??
Me, on the wonderful deck of our apartment. It's a wrap around deck and at one end is the Greek flag. Max tells us the left abhors the use of the flag -- but here I am, poster girl.

Our apartment in a salubrious area of Athens called Kolonaki.  This 8 storey bldg has these wonderful late 50s or 60s suits.  Champagne-coloured nearly shag carpet everywhere. A breakfast bar, above.  I suppose the furniture is 60s. Here's larry on the couch in the living room. The little table near him is attached to the couch. And there is a smoked glass coffee table. Perfect.

At the Carrefour grocery store near our apartment. Industrial sized containers of excellent yogurt, for 2 Euros.

Another residence. In shelter area of Kolonaki Park-- coffee bars around here are Gucci like. A cappuccino costs 3.50 Euros. Anywhere else in town it's 1.50. 

12 year old Spanish (I heard the mother speak to her) schoolgirl playing a muted game on her iPad.  She was playing her game while we were watching a good film about how antiquities are restored, in the new Acropolis Museum. A must see. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Social Cohesion - A visit to Nosotros in Athens...

Every think about why the elderly on pensions, why professors, nurses, doctors, clerks and teachers have had to suffer 20-40% in cuts to their wages (or pensions) in Greece? It's because Syriza (the government) has agreed to pay back the German and French banks to which Greece is horribly in debt. But of course the debt was loaned in the good times; loaned to the government, corporations, and a bit to consumers. But it's the people who are suffering.  Hence Nosotros.  This is a left wing social club open to all.  It's in Exarcheia, a working class area of Athens.  Nosotros rents this wonderful space for community events, to lend a hand to refugees, to have Greek and other classes -- and revenue from the bar usually can cover most expenses.  This is a great gathering space-- Max spoke here the last time he was in Athens. He spoke on the Commons...

Larry and Mariette, a translator and an activist at Nosotros.
One of their posters about monthly events. Nosotros has existed here since 2007!  It's 10th anniversary is coming up
This is a poster about the lead up festival to their anniversary celebrations And outside, on another street in Athens...

This adorable poster I found in a university hallway.